Each night, I close my eyes and dream. In the morning, I open my eyes again, but the dreaming doesn't stop.
Dreams, Writers, Writing
That moment you realize you are doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and the wrong thing for the right reasons.
Life, Life Lessons, Writers
What you really want is all too often hidden just behind what you think you want.
Life Lessons, Success, Writers
It's okay to fail. It does not make you forever a failure. In fact, there are no failures really. Only human beings doing the best they can.
Life, Inspirational, Life Lessons
If you think someone is humble, never tell them so. You will unknowingly rob them of the very thing you admire.
Life, Humility, Life Lessons
Be what you are, all that you are. Wear yourself proudly. It will require that you draw a line, but that line in the sand is your courage.
Inspirational, Life Lessons
Wear yourself proudly.
No.'It's not a bad word. And it is very important to use at times. Practice saying it in the mirror. It's empowering.