Your Majesty,” Durzo said gravely. “A man of your stature’s cursing vocabulary ought to extend beyond a tedious reiteration of the excreta that fills the void between his ears.” - Durzo Blint
Fantasy, Dark Humor
Love is a madness. Love is Failer - Durzo Blint
Tell them the Night Angel walks. Tell them Justice is come.
Fantasy, Justice, Revenge
Why is it, my shadow-striding friend, that we don't fear dreams? We lose consciousness, lose control, things happen with no apparent logic and abiding by no apparent rules.... We don't fear dreams, but we do fear madness, and death terrifies us.
We're victims of our own refined tastes.
Philosophy, Life Lessons
Elbuktam, Kylar, mert azt hittem, az ember csak egyszer eshet át a Tűzpróbán. Tévedtem. Az élet maga egy tűzpróba.
Life Lessons
A hatalom próba, Liv. Minden hatalom próba.
What people value in their books - and thus what they count as literature - really tells you more about them than it does about the book.
Meg lennél lepve, hogy milyen beszédesek a férfiak egy nő jelenlétében, akiről azt gondolják, hogy egy ostoba kurva.