Although I was able to maintain a pleasant expression, I was mentally throwing up in her face.
Doctor, if being a bitch is healthy, then I am the healthiest damn woman on the face of the earth
Just as I had long suspected, a person didn't really need math for anything anyway. Maybe some people did. Some limited people.
It's a wonder I'm even alive. Sometimes I think that. I think that I can't believe I haven't killed myself. But there's something in me that just keeps going on. I think it has something to do with tomorrow, that there always is one, and that everything can change when it comes.
It is always safe to see yourself truthfully. You never have to be ashamed of yourself, with yourself.
If you believe suicide will bring you peace, or at the very least just an end to everything you hate- you are displaying self-caring behavior. You are still able to actively seek solutions to your problems. You are willing to go to great lengths to provide what you believe will be soothing to yourself.
This strikes me as optimistic.