BiographyType: Poet Born: 9 Oct. 1968 Died: Liccione was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Rochester, New York. As a child, Liccione grew up in the struggles of a broken family, moving around in various homes, wandering from family member to family member. During his teen years, he went from living with friends to strangers, a vacant house, a vacant garage, and finally living inside his car, all the while managing to survive. |
The more material we lose, the less we have. The less we have, the more we win.
If you are reading this, be sure to count this on your blessings list.
Life is short enough, there is nothing worth here to take your life, and those things we do gain can never be taken to our grave.
It is better to have God over your shoulder, than carry the world alone on your back.
Go to God with your coal, and He will set them to blazing fire.
Hope is like a word made with cloud, without faith, it quickly blows away.
Faith is, believing there is still a star out there to wish on, just for you, tucked away behind dark clouds.
Unto the Cross came death, and unto death came the Cross.
Love is about as strong, as two people want to make it.
The apple of my eye, had turned into an empty core.
Though people are laughing at the dirt surrounding you, they are missing to see the seeds also planted, growing silently within.
When it's all said and done, I hope to die with a smile on my face.
Find your way early, on the road of life. For the way is too long to be struggling, and far too short to be waiting.