Be wary of those propagating too much about liberty, ideology, and civility; they just might be oppressors in the making.
Forcing the muse to let thoughts flow; equals to pushing a child, into labor.
Every individual is an author in himself. It is only that he falls short of words to express; list of stories.
The wise will hide your follies and help you learn, but the wicked ones will gossip about it with scoundrels.
Nuclear Weapons aren't much of a threat, today; compared to Families of the world, going Nuclear.
It’s that short-lived happiness, which empowers us to bear; long-lasting pain in living.
Never mind those failures till yesterday. Each new day is a sequel of a wonderful life; gifted with hopes to succeed.
The true forgiver will always look into your eyes.
We guarantee rude emptiness for ourselves; later in life, when we treat children as - "empty buckets", today.
The disciplined soul hardly needs "Yoga" to control the body it temporarily resides in.
Assumption is one dreadful and incurable disease, which sticks to the soul and wiggles across the skin.
Suicide is nothing, but an act of depriving the soul from it's very right to liberation.
It is the 'Teacher', that shapes a novice; not only with his studies, but character too.