Love is a gift. Passion is a curse
Love, Passion
Life is not meant to be an open-book test.
The truth is revealed when you are ready to receive it when you need it in order to move forward to take the next step in your journey. to move on toward your destiny.
Truth, Inspirational, Destiny
You can’t go back, Ever. You can’t change the past. It just is. . . . This is our destiny. Not yours.
Death, Destiny
...aunque somos libres para elegir nuestro camino, debemos aceptar que los demas tambien son libres para hacer lo mismo.
Fear separates-makes us feel alone-disconnected-while love-love does just the opposite-it unites. {shadowland}
Love, Fear
But I want you to know that you're a beautiful girl, far more beautiful than I ever was at your age, and that starving yourself to compete with all of those skinny celebrities who spend half their lives checking in and out of rehab is not only a completely unreasonable and unattainable goal, but will only end up making you sick.
But why didn't you just ask me?" I set down my fork and glare at her. "Because you were sleeping," She says, taking a sip if Chardonnay."I was taking a nap, Mom. It wasn't intended to be some kind of Disney fairy-tale hundred-year snooze.
May you bring unconditional love and infinite peace.
Where there is life, there is hope.
Life, Immortality, Life Lesson
Somewhere in the crowd was at least one potential friend who'd understand the fundamental value of goofing off.Because if not, how boring would that be?
Forgiveness is healing - everything is energy - thoughts create - we are all connected - what you resist persists - true love never dies - the soul’s immortality is the only true immortality -
Soul, Thoughts, Immortality